by vivian | Sep 28, 2008 | Weddings
It seems no time at all since I last added some words, and again some lovely ceremonies recently – a beautiful deserted beach and an incredibly happy couple from Ireland – it was such a pleasure! A same sex commitment ceremony in the Botanic...
by vivian | Sep 17, 2008 | Funerals
Last week I conducted another suicide ceremony – sometimes they break my heart. So many friends there – many more than he probably realised he had. I wish you had told someone of your pain.
by vivian | Sep 17, 2008 | Weddings
Not much time to write lately – very busy! A beautiful and very moving wedding between two soul mates on the beach at Thala Beach Resort – absolutely lovely! My first ceremony for a while at the Barrier Reef Chapel in Whitfield – I love the feeling...