by vivian | Dec 31, 2009 | Weddings
I am just about to leave to perform a wedding for an eloping couple on the beach at Palm Cove. What a lovely way to say goodbye to 2009. Lets hope that 2010 is a peaceful and happy year for all of us and I would like to wish you all – past clients and new ones...
by vivian | Dec 31, 2009 | Weddings
On 22nd December I travelled up the Gillies Highway to marry a couple at a surprise ceremony at the Cathedral Fig Tree near Yungaburra. I hadnt been there for many years and it was so much cooler than Cairns. Back down the Kuranda Range after dark.
by vivian | Dec 11, 2009 | Weddings
On Wedenesday 9th December I travelled to Gordonvale to perform a Renewal of Wedding Vows Ceremony for a couple about to relocate to England and this was their way of involving their families before they left. The grooms family from England were unfortunately not able...
by vivian | Dec 9, 2009 | Weddings
On the morning of Sunday 6th December I travelled up the wonderful scenic road to Port Douglas where I met a couple who were holidaying on a cruise liner which had docked at Port Douglas for the day. Family members had travelled to Port Douglas to meet them and we had...
by vivian | Dec 9, 2009 | Weddings
On the afternoon of Saturday 5th December I was Celebrant at the wedding of an eloping couple at the Sebel Cairns Hotel in the gazebo on the pool deck. Two really nice people who were so happy to be married and the photographer and wedding coordinator acted as their...